Thursday, 28 July 2011


Your tight work schedule or age should not be an excuse not to exercise regularly if you consider the benefits of regular exercise to your health, wealth and general wellbeing. Diet undoubtedly has its role to play but regular exercise remains one of if not the most essential part to living a healthy active life. Some of the reasons you must exercise regular include the following.
FAT BURNING: The most cherished side effect of exercise I know is fat burning. I wonder if there is any other way to burn fat faster than the combination of a balanced meal plan and exercise. This help you keep your bucks as you don’t need to change your cloths every now and then.
TO LOWER BLOOD PRESSURE:  By exercising regularly you strengthen the heart muscles and by so doing you help it pump more blood with less effort. Exercise also helps reduce the risk of developing heart disease.
INCREASE ENERGY LEVEL: Regular exercise helps increase your energy level. This means having more energy to carry out your day to day activities. You become physically and mentally fit and alert with a sharp reflex. It makes you feel much better and great.
STABILIZATION OF BLOOD SUGAR: Doctors in most cases encourage patience with diabetes to engage in regular exercise, they will of course give them guidelines. This is because when you exercise regularly it improves your body’s use of insulin and as you lose weight insulin sensitivity is also improved, thereby helping to check your blood sugar.
IMPROVED OUT LOOK: When you exercise regularly, your mirror becomes your companion because people around you will be telling you how great you look. Your body becomes well toned and the envy of many. Smiling becomes a part of you as a result of the positive remarks you get from people around you and you look younger.
Stop giving excuses, now is the time to get that needed regular exercise.

Wednesday, 6 July 2011


Exercise is very beneficial to man in terms of physical fitness and appearance as well as health wise.
Having a healthy physical appearance is not only good for your external outlook but also for your internal body system. It is no longer news that exercise is one of or the most essential activity to undertake to keep the heart in a perfect condition. The good news is that you can exercise at the comfort of your home,at work or business place.
Gone are the days when people rely too much on medicine to lose weight. All it demands of the person is to observe patience in going through all the tiresome routines including especially rigorous exercises to lose weight. What you get in a while is an ideal body which you will proudly love to show others to behold.

Obesity is dreaded by almost everybody probably because of its health risks. To get rid of the excess fat, exercise Is a major factor. It not only help get rid of the excess fat but also give the person strength and stamina to carry on,it also help raise your energy level and put you in a perfect mood to face the days challenges.

More women are getting interested in having a perfect figure now than ever. The increasing interest is due to the fact that the concept is associated with the female body. To achieve this exercises like yoga, dance, stepping, stretching, jugging, walking, spinning and many other forms of exercise play vital roles.