Friday 12 October 2012

Exercise Guidelines For Workplace

To effectively and properly exercise at the workplace, there are certain exercise guidelines to be followed. This will help you stay focused and direct your energy and time properly.

Follow these exercise guidelines for work place to maximize the benefits of workplace exercise 

1.      Know Your Fitness Level

The purpose of this is to know your physical condition. It is strongly advised that you consult a doctor to confirm your health condition and fitness level before starting any exercise program.

2.      Regularly Change Posture

Leave your seat once a while, do some stretching exercises. Choose exercises that will help you relieve tension as well as relax your mind and tired muscles. Make sure you do not maintain the same posture for a long time. 

3.      Safety First

The best place to exercise is a safe and well ventilated environment and under a normal temperature. Choose an exercise you can comfortably do with the cloths you are wearing and remove high-heeled shoes before doing any exercise. This is one of the best office exercise guidelines.

4.      Move Slowly

You should move slowly to avoid injuries and discomfort. Do not move too fast especially during stretching exercises. Avoid bouncing and jerky movements especially for the back and neck movements. Synchronizing mobility exercise and your breathing will help you become more relaxed. Mobility exercise should be done prior to stretching exercise and then taking a few deep breaths to end the exercise session. 

Be health conscious enough, remember to stop any exercise activity whenever you feel any discomfort or pain. Consult your physician if the pain persists.

 Following these exercise guidelines for work place will help you stay healthy mentally and physically, full of energy, focused, cope with office stress, relaxed and be able give your best at the office any time any day.

Monday 8 October 2012

The Importance Of Exercise In The WorkPlace

About one third of our time is spent in the workplace daily. During this period we maintain prolonged sitting posture using a computer and writing. This brings about symptoms like fatigue, stress, muscle stiffness and tightness. When these symptoms appear, work efficiency is affected negatively. To deal with such situation is why we will discuss the importance of exercise in the work place.

When we maintain an improper posture for a long time, it may lead to occupational disease. This can be physical pains, bad posture, and lose of working ability. These changes can hardly be compensated by any financial gains. Research have shown that people who sit a long time in the office are at a high risk to suffer from health issues related to neck, shoulder, back, wrists and fingers. These workplace problems are inevitable be you a boss or an employee.

Some of the recommended office exercises to perform in the work place include;

1.       Mobility Exercises

If you sit for long hours working in the office then your work is sedimentary in nature. You will benefit a lot from mobility exercises as they improve the mobility of the joints and increase blood flow to working muscles thereby preparing you for physical activities. Synchronizing exercise with your breathing will help to reduce mental stress. 

2.      Stretching Exercises      
Stretching exercise on the other hand helps reduce the risk of muscle soreness and pains, improve muscle relaxation, enhance the motion of joints and relax the mind. 

It is important to engage in workplace exercises to enhance your productivity and efficiency at work, as well as to promote good health. You can only get the best out of an employee who is physically and mentally fit.
Employers should encourage their employees to engage in exercises at the office and at home so as to get the best from the employees and maximize profit.

Friday 28 September 2012

Aerobic Exercise For Teenagers

Aerobic exercise for teenagers refers to any exercise that involves increasing the heart rate by using the large muscle groups in the body. These activities include running, walking, swimming, jumping rope, bicycling and many more. These are the fastest way to get teens to participate in regular exercise which will help them develop a lifelong habit that will help them fight off obesity, problems of excess weight, heart issues and many more. 

Teens seem to have a great deal of energy and this is a great resource to tap into when looking for aerobic exercise for teens. However, teens should build up their exercise slowly and then increase their intensity as they go to avoid injury. They should also bear in mind that the body will need a little time to recover from an intense exercise routine.

It is important for teenagers to start an exercise routine slowly and gradually work up to a more intense workout. Swimming, brisk walking, jump rope and light jogging are all good exercises to start with.

Encourage your teens to include aerobic exercise in their daily schedule. Make them understand the benefits of exercise to health and they will appreciate it after wards. Involve other kids to make it more fun, it can be a house hold thing. Get them to make it a hobby to exercise and you are doing them one of the greatest favours a parent will be doing to his or her kids. Make them understand that they can beat obesity with exercise.

One other thing you have to teach your teens to compliment aerobic exercise is good nutrition. They should understand the importance of diet in their exercise plan. Let understand that without proper nutrition they cannot get the best out of their exercise program.

Once your teenagers become accustomed to daily exercise, they will be healthier, suffer less health issues and look younger for a longer period of time.

Friday 24 August 2012

How To Add Aerobic Exercise To Your Day

One of the most important parts of a healthy life style is aerobic exercise. Adding aerobic exercise to your day helps improve your health, prevent disease and lose weight. Choose exercise program you enjoy doing and be consistent with it to reap the positive benefits of exercise to your health.

Adding aerobic exercise to your daily routine will help you stay motivated and focused. To achieve this and have fun, find a good selection of exercise types you enjoy that will keep you away from boredom.

For any aerobic exercise to be considered beneficial and effective, it must increase your heart rate for twenty minutes or more. You can begin with the following forms of exercise;

·         Brisk Walking – You can include brisk walking to your exercise as long as it can increase your heart rate and you can sustain it for twenty minutes or more. You can increase to jogging as your fitness level increases.

·         Running – This will definitely get your heart rate up to aerobic level. However it is not easy for some people due to their fitness level and health. Starting slowly is the best way to overcome this huddle. 

·         Skipping – I love skipping because you engage all the major muscle groups when skipping. Taking about 100 – 300 hundred skips within three minutes or less will get your heart racing.

For you to gain all the health benefits of exercise, consistency must be your watch word. Heart disease, diabetes, obesity and lots more respond positively well to the introduction of exercise.

Aerobic exercise is a great way to increase your energy level. Exercise along with eating a healthy diet is the secret of a youthful look. It can help you feel and look younger for a longer period of time. Remember it is never too late to get started on your exercise routine. Please don’t forget to consult your doctor before starting any exercise program.

Thursday 19 July 2012

Walking For Exercise…how to get started

We use walking every day for our basic movements. We can gain health benefits from walking if we walk up to the recommended 10,000 steps and above each day for exercise. This requires discipline and planning. Follow the tips below to start walking for exercise.

Set reasonable progress expectations

Start your walking exercise slow, aiming for shorter distances. You can increase the distance and intensity as you progress and as your fitness level increases. Writing down your goals and success may serve as motivation to help you achieve your aim and monitor your success.

Find a good location to walk

The best places to walk should have a minimal traffic aside having a flat terrain and smooth surface. You can start within your neighborhood but if it is not convenient you may look for another location. You can use the high school nearest to you, go to sports centers and the beach. If you prefer indoors you can use exercise equipment like a treadmill set to a slow speed to walk.

Set a reasonable time

Deciding on how many minutes you walk will help you keep your focus. Don’t bother about how short the time and distance is at first because they will definitely increase as you gain fitness and your motivation increases. Do not break, keep moving until you reach your set time.

Walking is fun

You can make walking fun by listening to music while you walk. Listen to music that motivates you. Walking should be a way to have fun and unwind. However be careful not to get carried away and lose focus.

Increase your time, speed and intensity

After walking for some time now, it is time for you to increase your walking time, speed, distance and intensity for a greater achievement. Your fitness and stamina levels must have increased by now and you expect to be going higher. It is noteworthy that at times you cannot meet up to what you did the previous day, so do not lose sleep over it. Set the goal and keep to it and you will be surprised how fast you will reach your goal. After reaching your first set time, keep increasing your time slowly. Keep alternating between low and high speed, reducing your rest period for higher and better achievement. Remember you must exercise patience.

Your mental attitude matters

Walking is a mild exercise that does not require vigorous physical exertion. This means that you will likely be cable physically to walk for long hours without tiring out, because you will not get the same fatigue that results from a more vigorous exercise. Therefore don’t expect to get a quick result from walking. You should develop the slow and steady wins the race mental attitude.
