Monday 5 September 2011


It is no longer news that the health consciousness of our society today has led to increased focus on the health benefits of exercise. There are so many ways exercise is beneficial to man and stress relief is one of them. Regular physical exercise is a very effective way of relieving stress. These are some of the ways exercise help in stress relief:-
PRODUCTION OF ENDORPHINS  Endorphins are the brains feel-good neurotransmitters. Exercise enhances the production of endorphins thereby helping to give your mood a natural boost.
AS A DISTRACTION  Engaging in regular exercise or any form of sports helps take your concentration away from what is causing you stress. You will focus on the very activity you are engaged in thereby helping you to forget about the day’s ups and downs.
AS A MEANS TO SOCIALIZE  Exercise and most physical activities often involve others which makes it an avenue to socialize. This gives you a double benefit of exercising and having fun all together. Apart from making you feel better, working out with others gives you a lot of motivation to work harder without feeling the stress of hard work.
RELAXATION  Exercise helps in the reduction of skeletal muscle tension thereby helping you to feel more relaxed. It energizes, motivate you and improve your mood to deal with the days challenges. It also helps you get sound sleep which is another way of to relieve stress.

Exercise is a very great way of stress relief as it helps you relax well and provide a kind of diversion from your source of stress. It also helps raise your energy level, boost your self esteem as well as boosting your immune system and general well being. Fitting exercise into your day can be a way to deal with future stress. 

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